Col. Rhonda Smillie, 88th Regional Support Command legislative liaison, discusses aspects of the Army Reserve and the Innovative Readiness Training program with representatives of Montana Senators Jon Tester and John Walsh, Congressman Steve Daines, and Soldiers supporting Operation Walking Shield at the Fort Belknap, Mont., medical facility, July 29. The Innovative Readiness Training program, or IRT, allows reserve component units to hone their wartime readiness through hands-on training while simultaneously providing quality services to communities throughout the U.S. Smillie, said it is vital that the public and elected officials understand how Army Reserve IRT missions can benefit our communities. “The Army Reserve is all about specialized capabilities. In addition to doctors and medical professionals, we have engineers, attorneys, transportation specialists,” said Smillie. “All these skills that enable our forces can also easily be transferred to the civilian sector and benefit our communities.”