(From left) Col. John A. Smyrski III (left), commander, William Beaumont Army Medical Center, Col. Carlos Amaya, deputy commander for surgical services, WBAMC, 1st Sgt. Willie Howard, company first sergeant, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Armored Division, Lt. Col. Nichelle Johnson, chief, Nutrition Care Division, WBAMC, Dr. Thomas W. Travis, retired Air Force lieutenant general who served as the 21st Surgeon General of the Air Force, currently serving as the senior vice president of Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (Southern Region), and Command Sgt. Maj. Donald George, command sergeant major, WBAMC, stand after the presentation of the Order Of Military Medical Merit (O2M3) to Amaya, Howard and Johnson, during the 2016 WBAMC Holiday Ball at the Centennial Conference and Banquet Center, Dec. 3.