Warrior Division Soldiers recognized by US Embassy, USFK

The Honorable Marc Knapper, charge d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy-Korea, and Gen. Vincent K. Brooks, U.S. Forces-Korea/United Nations Command/ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command recognized 13 individuals during a ceremony at the Habib House, the U.S. ambassador’s residence in Seoul, Dec. 14., for their contributions to the Nov. 13 life-saving rescue of a North Korean defector. Members of the aero-medical evacuation crew from 3rd General Support Aviation Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade were honored for performing emergency life-saving procedures, which resulted in saving the life of the defector who was shot five times and was minutes from dying from his injuries. (Courtesy Photo by U.S. Embassy Seoul)

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