John Fogle was shot three times in Vietnam. Here, he recovers at the 249th General Hospital at Camp Drake, in Japan, where he underwent repairs to his severed femoral artery. While he was there for about a month, in 1969, he told one of his doctors he would write and let him know how he was doing. He never wrote, though. His arm was in a cast for several months and he later lost his address. But thanks to the Vietnam Vascular Registry, developed by the Uniformed Services University's Dr. Norm Rich, Fogle was recently able to track down his records, which provided the name of that doctor, as well as other doctors who treated Fogle and helped save his leg. After all these years, he was finally able to write to that doctor about his recovery, and he will have a chance to meet one of them, again, in person at a reunion this spring. (Image credit: courtesy of John Fogle)