YOKOSUKA, Japan (Mar. 16, 2017) - U.S. Naval Hospital (USNH) Yokosuka Labor and Delivery nurse, Lt. Christina Carter, makes note of descrepancies found within the USNH Yokosuka Simulation (SIM) Laboratory 'Room of Errors' exhibition featuring SimMan 3G, a mannequin emergency patient simulator designed to help improve critical time management, decision making, communication and handovers between departments within the facility. The 'Room of Errors' was created during National Patient Safety Awareness Week (Mar. 12-18) as an internal opportunity to encourage staff members to maintain high awareness of patient safety. USNH Yokosuka is the largest U.S. military treatment facility on mainland Japan caring for approximately 43, 000 eligible beneficiaries. (U.S. Navy photo by Greg Mitchell/Released by USNH Yokosuka PAO)