Seaman David Naranjo of Naval Hospital Bremerton's Pharmacy Department helps prepare a prescription order at the command's main facility, which along with NHB's Refill Annex, Branch Health Clinic (BHC) Bangor, BHC Everett, BHC Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, and the TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery program continue to provide lower-cost pharmacy options still available to beneficiaries despite the change coming to the TRICARE Retail Pharmacy network on Dec. 1, 2016. TRICARE is adding all Walgreens pharmacies to the network, and removing all CVS pharmacies, including those in Target stores. Beneficiaries who continue to fill a prescription at CVS after the change will pay the full cost of their prescription upfront, and will then need to file a claim for partial reimbursement as from any other non-network pharmacy (Official Navy photo by Douglas H Stutz, NHB Public Affairs)