The Task Force Marauder medical evacuation (medevac) company participated in a mass casualty exercise with the Role 3 hospital, Dec. 23, 2017, in Afghanistan to practice and refine procedures in the event of a real-world emergency. Detachment 1, Charlie Company, 2-211th General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), MEDEVAC, Iowa National Guard, with Task Force Marauder partnered with the hospital, base emergency medical services, Polish special forces, U.S. Air Force security forces, and U.S. Army 82nd Airborne service members for the exercise. C Co., 2-211th GSAB (MEDEVAC) provided aerial transportation and en route medical care for simulated casualties before transporting the patients to the hospital for follow-on care. The purpose of the exercise was to test current practices and communication in a controlled environment. Task Force Marauder consists of Soldiers from South Carolina National Guard, Illinois National Guard, Iowa National Guard, as well as active duty component and provides aviation capabilities with AH64 Apaches, UH60 Black Hawks, CH47 Chinooks, and medevac assets in Afghanistan under the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade while deployed. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Capt. Jessica Donnelly, Task Force Marauder)