And they're off...runners, jogger, walkers and strollers - approximately 125 - took part in the 2nd annual ‘Aloha Moani 5K’ Memorial Run coordinated by Naval Hospital Bremerton's Navy Nurse Corps. The run culminated a week recognizing the Navy Nurse Corps' 107th anniversary in dedication to honor the memory Lt. Rebekah Moani Daniel, NHB staff member who passed away in March, 2014, due to a rare complication of childbirth. The run included friends and family who traveled from California and Hawai’i to attend, and turned out to be more than just a 3.1 mile run and walk for many. It also provided local family, friends, co-workers, supporters, and community members the opportunity to keep the legacy of Lt. Daniel and her enthusiasm for fitness alive and going (Official Navy photo by Douglas H Stutz, NHB Public Affairs).