25 Years of Brain Awareness at the National Museum of Health and Medicine

Courtesy Story National Museum of Health and Medicine Protecting the warrior’s brain protects the warrior. Studying how to prevent or mitigate brain injuries remains a key focus area for the Defense Health Agency. The science of the brain and brain injuries touches every capability that readiness demands. For 25 years, more than 18,000 people from […]

The TRICARE Dental Program Website Has a New Look!

Courtesy Story Defense Health Agency FALLS CHURCH, Va. – Have you checked out the new TRICARE Dental Program website yet? You might notice the TDP recently unveiled a refreshed website, featuring a new design intended to help you find what you need easier and quicker. “The most noticeable change is the website’s overall look,” said […]

Explore Patient Safety Measures at Military Hospitals and Clinics

Courtesy Story Defense Health Agency FALLS CHURCH, Va. – Do you get health care at a military hospital or clinic? When you need care, patient safety should never be a concern. You deserve to know how well your military hospital or clinic protects you and your family from preventable harm. Military hospitals consistently earn top […]